Squirrels are one of the most plentiful rodents we find in our yards and, unfortunately, our attics. They are members of the Sciuridae family, including other rodents like chipmunks, prairie dogs, and more. There are over 265 species of squirrels, making them one of the most common animals on the planet.
Interesting Facts
The squirrel is a unique creature that can jump up five feet and leap between things that are 10 feet apart. That is the equivalent of a person jumping up onto a five-story building in a single bound. They are also capable of running 12 miles per hour. While most are small, there are really large ones such as the Indian Giant Squirrel, which can reach three feet long. Thankfully, they have not found their way to Missouri. They are also an extremely intelligent creature. They will pretend to bury acorns and pine combs in certain places and bury them in others. This is done to discourage other animals from stealing their stash. Scientists feel they understand when they are being watched and incredibly remember where the true burial places are.
Negative Aspects Of Having Them In Your Yard
While they appear to be cute and may seem harmless, having an infestation can present some unique dangers to our yards, homes, and perhaps even ourselves. They are known for their propensity to carry a host of different pests and diseases. They often carry fleas, ringworms, and ticks, which can be transmitted to our pets and us. If left untreated, squirrels can also destroy trees, landscaping, and property. They build nests in the nooks and crannies and the attics of our homes. They are notorious for shredding insulation to create bedding and chewing on wires to sharpen their teeth. Home inspectors estimate they cause 20% of home fires. They have even gotten under the hood of vehicles and destroyed the wiring systems there. Better make sure you have comprehensive coverage. It is highly recommended that you call an expert pest control company like Cardinal Insect and Pest Solutions to deal with the problem before it gets out of hand.
What To Do If You Have A Problem
There are some things you can do to try to reduce or eliminate them from your yard. First and foremost, never feed squirrels. Once they know there is a food source, you will be hard-pressed ever to get rid of them. If they have not gotten into your home yet, it is beneficial to have a professional check your home's exterior for potential entry points and rectify the issues.
Contact Cardinal Insect And Pest Solutions
We offer a range of different solutions that will help you manage your squirrel problem. Just a quick call and our highly trained and professionals can help you tackle the problem with ease. Our services have the backing of the Better Business Bureau, so you have peace of mind that you've made the right choice. Call us today for a free estimate.
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